Chairman: Jackie Boone (
Co-chairman: Amanda Fowler
School art must be turned into the Education Building on Wednesday 1 week prior to the fair between 8 and 9am. Do Not take to the WPSB office. All Schools must pick up at the Education Building between 8 and 9am the Monday after the Fair.
Individual Art
Pre-K - 2nd Grade
Tempera Painting
Finger Painting
Mixed Media
Water Colors
Felt Tip pens
Pastels (Chalk)
Tempera Painting
Finger Painting
Mixed Media
Water Colors
Felt Tip Pens
Pastel (Chalk)
Pencil Art (colored or lead)
Pen & Ink Art
3rd - 6th Grade
Student art must be done by the student at school under the supervision of the teacher. The artwork should reflect the age and ability of the child. Only original work. (No paint-by-number kits will be accepted. No coloring book sheets will be accepted.)
Only one art exhibit per person can be accepted.
Artwork may be collected from the end of the fair to the beginning of the fair the next year.
Artwork should be mounted on a poster board – Use colored or black for a better look – 11”x14” (1/4 poster board)
Only ten pictures per grade will be accepted from each school. Schools having 4 or more sections of a grade may send twenty pictures from that grade level. 5 Special Ed entries may be added per grade level and are to be turned in with regular education and not labeled Sp. Ed. Only Grade Level.
A master list should be kept at each school.
Identification cards should be placed on ½ of a 3x5 index card. This should be placed on the left top corner so that it can be flipped back in place after judging.
• Name
• School
• Grade
Blue, Red, White, and Green ribbons will be presented in each area. The child’s age and art expectations for that age group will determine the winners.
Please use a variety of media for each grade. Don’t turn in 10 of the same picture. Choose a variety of age-appropriate categories.
All entries are judged on their own merit.
Individual Posters
Posters will be accepted in three subject areas:
• Small Town, Big Fair in the family
• Small Town, Big Fair in the School
• Small Town, Big Fair in the Community
Posters will be judged in four divisions:
• Primary (K-2)
• Elementary (3-6)
• Junior High (7-8)
• Senior High (9-12)
• Each Division can enter one poster in each subject area if the
school’s total sections per grade are less than 4. Schools having 4
or more section per grade are allowed to enter two individuals’
posters in each of the three subject areas.Posters will be judged on theme, originality, and neatness.
Ribbons will be awarded for the outstanding posters in each category.
Posters will be displayed on 14” x 22” poster paper (1/2 of a standard poster board). All other entries will be rejected.
Information cards should include the following:
• Name
• School
• Grade
• Category
• This should be placed on the left top corner in such a manner that
it can be flipped over form the front to the back.Poster entries must be turned into the Education Building on Wednesday 1 week prior to the start of the fair between 8 and 9am.
Individual Writing
All entries will be judged, but only entries awarded ribbons will be displayed.
All entries will use the following information on a flip card. No heading should appear on the front of the student's work!
• The flip card will be ½ of a 3 x 5 note card taped to the top left-hand corner of the construction paper in a manner that will allow it to flip from front to back. Information on the flip card should appear as follows:
Author (Name School of Student)
Name of School
Edited by (Name of Teacher)
Grade and Category (Example: Grade 6. Short Story 20)Entries shall be mounted on one sheet of 9”x12” construction paper that represents a school color.
Printing shall be used for grades 1-3. Cursive or manuscript printing in pencil or ink may be used in grades 4-12. If a computer is used, the font must be 12 pt, and the student submitting the entry must do the typing. If an entry is handwritten, the writing must be the work of the student submitting the entry.
Proper margins must be used on all entries.
• Handwritten Entries: the left margin is the red line provided on the paper.
The right margin shall be ½ inch from the right edge of the paper. Please
note that it is not the faint red line that shows through from the opposite
side. This is a clarification of the rule. Please be aware of it. Do not write
on the last line of the paper.• Computer Typed Entries: the right and left margins shall be the standard
1.25” and the top and bottom margins shall be 1.0”.Illustrations are optional; however, all such illustrations must be the work of the student submitting the entry.
Students may enter work done from the opening day of school until October of the current school year. All entries are restricted to one entry per student. No students may enter more than one category. If a student has more than one entry, the chairman has the right to disqualify the entries.
A master list from each school must be submitted with the school’s entries. School entries must be turned in to the Education Building on Wednesday, 1 week prior to the start of the fair, between 8 and 9 am.
First-grade entries may be written on 1 or 2 lines. Second-grade entries must be written on 1 line.
Length of papers:
• Fiction & Non-Fiction:
Grades 3-5 (Elementary) are limited to 1,000 words.
Grades 6-8 (Junior High) are limited to 2,000 words.
Grades 9-12 (High School) are limited to 3,000 words.• Poems:
All categories are unlimited.Every school may submit 2 entries for each category per grade.
Teachers are responsible for correctly classifying individual entries and adhering to these changes. Judges will reserve the right to disqualify an entry based on an incorrect classification.
• Kindergarten
◦ Dictated Fiction Story
◦ Dictated Non-fiction Story
• Grade 1
◦ Alphabet Printing
◦ Dictated Fiction Printing
◦ Dictated Non-fiction Printing
• Grade 2
◦ Handwriting entry months of the year printing
◦ Fiction Story written by the student
◦ Non-fiction story written by the student
◦ Poetry
• Grade 3
◦ Fiction Story
◦ Non-fiction Story
◦ Poetry
• Grades 4-12
◦ Non-fiction Story
◦ Fiction (include the elements of a Short Story)
◦ Poetry
• Handwriting Entries for Grades 1 & 2
◦ Correct formation of letters
◦ Neatness
◦ Spacing
◦ Attractiveness
• Fiction, Non-fiction, and Poetry
◦ Originality
◦ Color and effective use of language
◦ Style and form
◦ Content
◦ Grammar and spelling
No more than one entry per student is allowed.
All entries must be done at school, under the supervision of the teacher, and must be the student’s own work. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and it is the responsibility of the teacher to screen entries for this violation. The judges and the chairperson will reserve the right to disqualify entries suspected of or proven to be plagiarized entries.
It is the responsibility of the teacher submitting the entry to edit the student’s work, to ensure the entry is free of grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors. The teacher and school representative should send only quality work to the fair. Only quality work will be displayed to the public and awarded ribbons. It is also the responsibility of the teacher to correctly classify the entry. Incorrect classification of an individual entry will unjustly penalize the student.
Teachers must check the content of entries. Inappropriate papers will not be displayed. Judges and committee members reserve the right to disqualify entries.
Judging will be held on Monday prior to the opening of the fair.