Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals

Essay Writing Contest

THEME: Describe the characteristics that make a winning fair/festival volunteer?

Rules and Regulations:

  1. Essay must contain between 500 and 800 words.

  2. Name of the contestant MUST NOT be written on the essay but must be written on a separate sheet and clipped, not stapled, to the essay.

  3. On a separate sheet, contestants should follow this format:

    Name, Address, Grade, Phone#,

    Parent’s Name, School Name

    Fair/Festival Represented

  4. Essay may be handwritten or typed.

  5. Spelling, grammar, phraseology, general interest, continuity, and adherence to the theme will be determining factors for selecting the winner.

  6. Categories are: (A) Grades 6-8, (B) Grades 9-12

  7. Information used from sources should be acknowledged in a bibliography.

  8. Pictures or diagrams can be included within the context of the essay or in an appropriate appendix.

  9. Essays must be turned into the Education Building on Wednesday 1 week prior to the fair between 8 and 9 am.

  10. Criteria for judging are as follows:

    • Content (adherence to the theme) 40%

    • Grammar (punctuation, capitalization) 25%

    • Continuity (introduction, body, conclusion) 20%

    • Spelling 15%

  11. Essay prizes (State Level)
    1st = $150, 2nd = $100, 3rd = $50